Wednesday, January 31, 2007

One of my favorite music video

First of all, my son is fascinated by it. And the guy with sunglasses on, he just looks like my husband.
This is to show one of my favorite music video and to test posting pictures.

tip's for being waited?

We went to a restaurant over the weekend. My brother-in-law took us out to dinner. A very nice steakhouse. The waitress we had was a pretty girl, but she was one bad waitress I've ever seen. She didn't fill our drinks at all. We got so thirsty that we had to ask another waitress who served the next table. She almost threw the plates on our table banging things around, and she didn't even get the order right. Anyway, when it was time to go with a bitter taste in my mouth, my brother-in-law wanted to pay to the manager himself. When the manager came to our table, my brother-in-law pulled out a penny and said, "you see this? This is a penny. I'm not a person who would leave without tipping. So here it is. This is for the waitress who did a wonderful job." He was cool! I wished I could have done that.

Do we have to tip even if we don't get the good service we deserve?
How many percent is the best way to do?
Is it that bad not to tip at all if I think I didn't get good service?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Images are good

It really does make a big difference. I like to see the pictures of my hometown. I remember when I first got here Oklahoma, people used to say that they are so glad that I'm out of there (Korea). I don't know what they meant by saying that, but whenever I was asked with questions like "I'm sure you love it, here, don't you?" or "How do you like it here? I'm sure it's very different for you, isn't it?" I always said, "yes, it's okay..I think." People didn't like me answer that way. But what can I say? I'm from a beautiful island.

But now, I love Oklahoma more than any other places in America. I think I could adjust to Oklahoma living, because we have breeze here just like the one in my hometown.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


I didn't pay attention to the weather this week, and I had no idea that it was gonna be like this. My cat is jumping around the patio door trying to catch the snowflakes outside flying around the door. It's so boring to be stuck at home. It seems like there are not many places you could go in this kind of weather except Casinos.
What do you do on the day with the weather like this? Would you let me know some options? And where we could go to have some fun? I live in Moore. There are many shopping centers, but I haven't seen any fun indoor places where we could go with a two-year-old boy.

Friday, January 26, 2007


I posted about gambling on Moodle. I'd like to talk about the Casinos. I went to River**** Casino for the first time, and it was really beautiful. I was there till 10 p.m. It was Monday night. I couldn't believe how many people were in there. Young and old, men and women, and all kinds of people in there gambling. I wondered if they don't work, or they come to the casino straight from their work. It was amazing to see that many people in Casino on Monday night. I spent 10 dollars and chickend out thinking I could've bought one or two fantastic toy for my son, or even for my husband. I listend to the music, and gulped down free soft drinks.
However, I could tell people who were having fun there from the ones addicted to the gambling. Most of those who are addicted to it have certain ways of pushing buttons. Some push the button very quickly twice or three times. I saw this lady push the button quickly and rub on the screen with her three middle finters every single time she pushed it. I saw this man rubbing on both sides of the machine with his both hands... Hmm... That's their lucky move. I felt kinda sorry for them.
But I wondered if I would ever get hooked to it like them. How many times of winning and how much money would it take to get me addicted to it? I hope it never happens to me. Besides, I'm too poor to gamble anyway. I pick up a 5 dollar-lipstick at a drugstore and put it down about 6 times before I decide not to buy it.. Poor me. I couldn't imagine putting 500 dollars into the slot machines. Oh, no.. never..
Medium is the best way to go in most parts of our lives. Having fun is the same.

Monday, January 22, 2007

We made it.

I was so relieved when I clicked on that "submit" button on How you guys felt? And you know, I kinda expected to have another week off to catch up all my readings. I'm kidding. Let's do our best for another week.
I just need more time. It takes a lot of time to read all the blogs.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Have to be ready

Yes, I'm trying to get myself go into this ready mode for the stress of writing an essay. It takes me a while to be ready. Anyone already written and posted? There are just too much information to look up, and I can't decide to which one to choose to go along. I like writing. I like reading what I write, but I get so stressed out to put the very first word and sentence. That's the hardest part of writing: sit and write the first word. And after that, I usually do fine. Hope you guys are all doing fine with your project and the weather.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ready to get out!

It's been too long. I finally had to go to Wal-Mart to get some milk. My two-year-old boy and I were so happy to be out!
I can't remember who talked about procrastination, but I'm one of them. I have to have some structure and maybe a push to work harder. The classes are all cancelled, and of course I still haven't done any assignment. I think many people go to school just because they need some structure and rules to make themselves to study except the reason to get degrees. I see that there are a great deal of information on the Internet, at libraries, and so on to be able to learn so many things. If I'm just studying just for the knowledge itself, I don't have to be in school. But I am one of the people who cannot use the given time wisely. I have to feel that it is compulsary to do. Do I make myself clear? What I'm saying is that I didn't get to use the off-time due to the storm wisely. I'm tired from worrying about all the works to do, not from actually doing the work. Is there anybody who feel the same way?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

stuck in the house

It's been really really cold. I'm worried about the next month's gas bill. The heater's been running constantly. But it's been okay. Got a couple of more pounds on my belly, I think. Is there anyone having anxiety attack just worrying about the assignments for all the classes for the semester? I'm tired from worrying about it. I've been listening to the song that goes "don't worry, be happy...." Silly.. I hope you all are safe and well.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


It's working! This free blogging website had some updates done to it, and I couldn't get my old blog updated as it says. I have one blog that I use to gather opinions of other people on a sensitive private subject matter such as prejudice, race, and so on. That is one of the wonderful thing about blog. You can be anonymous. Sometimes the technology that enabled us to sit at home to take classes and interact with people out there on the other end with no face make me feel so inhumane and lonely, but to be honest, that is one of the reason why I get on internet to write on my blog and respond to the other people's blogs. I'd like to learn about other people's life style, writing style, dreams, and plans for futures. But sometime I wonder if they are truly honest in what they write on their blogs. How about you? Are you 100% honest when you write your blog anonymously?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


okay, please show this post. Testing. 3rd