Friday, January 19, 2007

Have to be ready

Yes, I'm trying to get myself go into this ready mode for the stress of writing an essay. It takes me a while to be ready. Anyone already written and posted? There are just too much information to look up, and I can't decide to which one to choose to go along. I like writing. I like reading what I write, but I get so stressed out to put the very first word and sentence. That's the hardest part of writing: sit and write the first word. And after that, I usually do fine. Hope you guys are all doing fine with your project and the weather.

1 comment:

Ty Smith said...

Yes I do agree that sometimes you have so much on your mind that you don't know where to start. Sometimes that first word is the toughest because it could be anything but you have to follow up but as you begin to write your paper may not flow as well at first but everything will eventually come together at the end, just write what you have and the rest of the ideas will come to you.