Saturday, February 24, 2007

Library book sale

We went to the library book sale today. We set the alarm at 7 a.m. and we couldn't get up. We got there at about 11 o'clock, and we were still able to get some books we wanted to get. I got 3 children's books for my son, and about 5 or 6 cooking and decorating magazines (I really hate to spend 3 dollars on a magazine. Library book sale is a good place to go and get many magazines that are just 6 months old, if you don't mind beind 6 months outdated... ), and my husband got bunch of books he really don't even need. I think he buys books just to keep em. Anyway, it was really really windy. It's really windy right now. It's a good weekend to sit at home reading magazines drinking coffee... if I didn't have midterms. Ah, I forgot my son who is usually attached on my knees asking to play cars with him..


Chris said...

It was really windy. We had T-ball this weekend and the poor kids about blew away. It would have been a pretty day if the wind didn't make it so cold.

maljang said...

Oh, Chris, they look so cute when they are having T-ball. I can picture it in my head how hard it was for them to do it while the wind was blowing 30 mph!

David Kaler said...

I know how it is to sleep in, especially on a day off. That’s so funny about the six month old magazines. I sued to get the free all the time from the public library. I haven’t done that for a long time, sounds like fun. I didn’t even hear about a book sale. It sure has been windy wow! The other day I was at Wal-Mart, and the cart coral was blowing like a sail boat across the parking lot!