Thursday, February 1, 2007


We are having another bad weather. I noticed-really-that the ice storm ruined the roads everywhere. I almost fell in a pothole that was about 3' deep and 4' wide. Everywhere I go, I see the potholes, and sometimes I see the crews filling them out. I ran over a several of them, and my can pulls to the left ever since. What do we do when we get in an accident or get our tires ruined? Is it the city? Is it the Insurance company? Is it just a bad luck? Is it the mother nature? Who do I blame it for?

Okay, I cannot download pictures. I followed the instruction clicking on the picture thingy, and it doesn't do a thing. This happens to me all the time. What's going on? It's really irritating when the computer refuses to do what I want it to do.


David Kaler said...

When you get in an accident for hitting a pot hole, you blame yourself. This is an at fault accident. If you use your insurance it will fall under your collision coverage on your policy and be subject to a deductable, AND you will get a surcharge on your next renewal, unless you have an accident forgivness credit.

maljang said...

Hey, David, thanks for your comment. I had no idea. I'll be more careful when I drive. No more talking on the cell phone, because that is the time I usually hit the potholes.

BaBbLiNg_BrOoKe said...

Welcome to Pothole world. I know that our city streets department works hard to keep our roads clear during ice and snow but the result is always the potholes. You are right, they can do great damage to cars and to people. IT sounds like your front end alognment is off in your car since it is pulling to one side. I wish that the city could be held accountable for damages like that but it is up to us to pay for repairs casued by potholes. I know there is a hotine # you can call to report the ones that need to be filled I just don't know the number.

P.S. The pictures that you posted of your home are beautiful.

maljang said...

Thanks. Where I'm from is a beautiful place. It is one of the major tour place in Korea.