Saturday, February 17, 2007

tired but willing

I'm tired. I slept about 8 hours all together last week. My eyes are bloodshot, and I feel like dreaming. I can't remember certain things like how I got home.. Last night, I slept one hour trying to write abstracts due on Tuesday and a research paper. I ended up just paying bills and cleaning up my desk, but no sleep. I still got up and went to the zoo as I promised my two year old son. Yeah!! I can do it!


Chris said...

Yeah it's T-ball time and I just try to remember that kids are only little once. I can't believe they have practice everyday this week. I have so many midterm projects that I need to get done. I'm going to be a little sleep deprived for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll all hang in there and keep each other sane.

maljang said...

Thanks, RJ and Chris. That's right. We need to know where our priority lies. When we are tired, we get irritable and snap at those precious things. But you know, after I have just a couple of hours and get a good grade on my test, that's a really really good feeling. I hope you guys all do well in your tests.

David Kaler said...

Great post and good luck! I have two kids, a wife, and work and I know how you’re feeling. School seems to jam up my personal life to the point that sometimes I just have to leave it behind to be with my family. Right now even, my daughter is begging for me to play with her it stinks that I have to be sitting at the computer while she is on the floor playing but I guess that’s life, short term sacrifice for long term gain right?

maljang said...

Yes, I hope you are right. I hope this sacrifice we have now make everything better later.